Galzerano Funeral Home
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Condolences for Patrick Kowalick

Rick KowalickThursday, July 11th

Our entire Kowalick family sends condolences. ❤️

Barb Hurley MartinThursday, July 11th

Maryanne has been my friend since we were in second grade. I have many fond memories of Mr. Kowalick. From hanging out at their house, to many rides to and from gymnastics, and him saving us from being electrocuted in our summer house in Wildwood. Later on he would always say in his upstate accent, “Barb would ya like a whisky sour?” Condolences to you all. Love, Barb

Beth DealThursday, July 11th

Even though I had only met Pat a couple of times through his granddaughter and my best friend Lauren, I felt his kindness and love. Hearing stories about this beautiful man is a blessing and I am truly truly sorry for this tremendous loss. Bless your journey into Jesus” arms Pat, you have left this world so very loved.

Sherry StettlerThursday, July 11th

My deepest condolences to the entire family & extended family of Big Pat. He was a wonderful person and loved so much by anyone who met him. I’m so blessed to have been able to be part of the Aruba memories. Wishing you all peace in time as he rest easy. Love and prayers to all of you. Sherry Stettler

darcy campisiThursday, July 11th

I remember Mr kowalic very clearly from when I was a kid in the neighborhood and friends with his daughter maryanne. I always thought he was a nice man. Sorry for your loss and my prayers are with his family 💕

Chezik BarryFriday, July 12th

Coolest guy ever. Best neighbor you could ask for. He helped everybody,fixed cars,landscape equipment. Rescued my brother from our house fire. RIP it Pat

Anthony (Butch) KowalickTuesday, July 23rd

I am truly saddened by the loss of my last uncle. I will always remember him as a kind hearted man who always wore a great smile. My heartfelt condolences to his entire family. Rest in peace Uncle Pat.

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