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Condolences for Carrie Rice (Sottile)

Sandra WilsonSunday, July 24th

Mrs Rice was an excellent educator and a very special person. I had the pleasure of seeing her in her later years. She had grace and elegance well into her nineties. I’m sure she will be missed by many people. I was a Lawndale School when she taught there.

Steve AbruzzoSunday, July 24th

Bill and Steve. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your Mom. She was my favorite teacher….EVER. I spoke with her about 10 years ago and she was as vibrant then as she was when I was her student. She truly was a force of nature.

Patricia WardlowSunday, July 24th

So sorry to hear of the passing of Carrie. I first met her as principal of Crossing School and then later worked with her at Women for Greater Philadelphia. Carrie was the sweetest, kindest person and she was wonderful with the school children. Your family is in my prayers.

Monique Compare-MitchellSunday, July 24th

What a beautiful life that touched and inspired so Many people! Carrie always had a wonderful smile that lit up a room (or hallway) when she was walking towards you! She had a way to put you at ease and made learning Anything fun and Memorable. Wishing her easy passage to heaven and lots of prayers to her family.

Rose Altimari CavalieriSunday, July 24th

Carrie Sottile Rice was a very close friend of my immediate family because her dad and mine lived very close to each other in Italy and then in Frankford. She was my mentor! From the time I was in kindergarten, my dad brainwashed me to become a teacher like Carrie Sottile!
We always kept in touch and I remember seeing her model one summer day at Penn's Landing. She'd have me over for dinner and was the key to my getting an interview for my first teaching job in Plymouth Meeting! When she was in her 80s, I'd pick her up and we'd go out to lunch with her cousins and mine.
She was a first-class lady...professional, always elegantly dressed, and so very friendly.
Rest in peace, Carrie.

Kathy (Bunt) TruesdaleSunday, July 24th

Lawndale School, Teacher Rice overseeing Safety Patrol chose my brother to be Patrol Captain began the link of influence. Kennedy Crossan School, Principal Rice arrived to guide the education of my 3 children. They each have the silhouette Mrs Rice drew as their graduation gift. As a PTA mom my memories of Rice-sanctioned, parent performed shows drew a full house. Living next door to Crossan our family engaged deeply with Carrie Rice. We are grateful for her leadership in education. Sincere condolences to the Rice family from the Thomas Truesdale family.

Shirley NitkaMonday, July 25th

Rest in peace Carrie. You have earned your rest. You were a tireless principal & caregiver to your children at Crossan. I am privileged that my 3 came along while you were there. I'm guessing that my son, Josh, was the only vampire to walk into your office & tell you that he was going to suck your blood. They grew up with wonderful holidays, parties, class trips & so much more that isn't allowed anymore. What other principal would have come to my mothers funeral? You were one of a kind. I will never forget your stories & you jumping double dutch with the girls in the schoolyard. They don't make them like you anymore. Bless you! Love Shirley, Leticia, Stephanie & Josh. Yes 2 of my grandkids went to Crossan as well. Wish you were there!!

Suzie RiceMonday, July 25th

Mrs. Rice was the principal when I did my student teaching ( under Mrs. Neals) in 1983! She was always kind & spoke to me as a part of the regular staff. (I was not a 'Rice' at the time.) She was part of the reason I stayed in education! What a great legend she has left!

Christina RickettsFriday, July 29th

I am sorry for your lost. Mrs. Rice was my elementary principle when I was in grade school. She was the nicest, sweetest person you could ever meet. She was always fare when it came to disciplining the students. I am 42 years old right now so that tells you how long ago I was in Kennedy crossing elementary school. She will be very missed.

Dawn ElliottFriday, July 29th

I remember Mrs. Rice from being a student at Lawndale School in the mid 1960’s. Although she was never my teacher, I was a classmate of her son Steven along with being a neighbor as we lived at 6707 Oxford Avenue. I remember her as kind, welcoming and interested in all of us. She was a beautiful person both inside and out. Rest In Peace Mrs. Rice and my condolences to both Steve and Bill.

Jason Donnelly (pre-adoption- Petroski)Friday, August 16th

Prinicpal Rice was the first woman I danced with in my entire life. 6th grade dance (1986) in the gymnasium of Crossan Elementary with Mrs. Saab keeping watch. I asked Principal Rice to dance and we box stepped to Earth Angel. For a boy in 6th grade, I was in awe of her glowing beauty. She was the most professional adult I ever interacted with at that point in my life. She displayed true leadership and what it meant to be in charge.
I will remember seeing her a few times on Knorr St as I would frequently ride my bike over to Kerper St by the Acme on Oxford Ave. She's was always very well put together and took pride in how she presented herself. It served her well.
As she was the first woman I danced with, I will remember her until the day I pass along. My condolences to the family. Know that I am truly a better person for having interacted with her in my formative years. Showing us what right looked like. A very classy and professional woman. And that's how she will be remembered.

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